This is where we open our throats & express ourselves unapologetically. Where we remember our feminine essence, our pleasure, turn on our pussy magic, our sexuality & open our hearts to the masculine. The real AF, no bullshit, claiming a life of desire taking ownership of our lifes, our sex & our love. Where the taboo is taken into the light & brave shameless women come together.

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19 hours ago

In this weeks episode I speak on the power of opposites.
How The Good Girl swings over to her Bad Girl for reclaiming power..
But staying there will become walls leaning too much into her bitchiness.How we want to respond from love & transmute resentment so it doesn't poison us from within.I share my own process of mirroring & how even when men or people come with a bad delivery it is gold to pause to reflect if there is truth in it.Come activate your EROS in my new 3 day Activation for only ﹩11 🌹For 1:1 mentorship where I help Good Girls Go Bad being a MF Queen in Sex & Love DM me on Instagram to apply.You can find my stuff here: https://linktr.ee/theroyalqueendom.comIt would mean the world to me if you comment so we can connect & share the episode to spread the word❤️

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025

I am so happy to share the first episode in my series with men doing the work to become more integrated & embodied standing for a more loving world.I dived deep with Joshua Wenner who is an amazing man that have been in the space for a long time all from a Tony Robbins 5-top speaker, creator of the movie Gift Of Grief, leading Rite Of Passage for men & now guiding women who want to have a conscious loving partnership & understand the masculine to be able to create Sacred Union.
We talk about how it's time to stop waiting for the 'other' to change, stop the war & start co-creating the solution when we want peace on both sides. Stop searching for love from lack & allow the mirror of the other shine on where we need to find more love inside ourselves.
How it takes a warrior no matter gender to have the courage to meet our SELF in our mess & all the pieces within that we have suppressed into the shadows. So we can remember our innate power & stop giving it away abandoning ourselves in the process.
Joshua shares about the The King, Warrior, Magician, Lover Archetypes as a way to move into mature integrated masculinity & how we need all for a healthy balance. A book I BTW once owned & gave away to a man in the ironic sense of fixing the other.
Joshua sharing how men do about 95% for women so if we change the standards & what we value in the masculine men will change due to the primal need to procreate & how a woman holds the power of setting the pace of the process into a possible partnership. Coming home to Sovereignty.Come learn how to go from codepency to co-creation. From war both internally around grief & shame also on the outside between genders transmuting it into the wisdom of standing together in the fight against trauma.Can't get enough of Joshua?Go visit his spaces already✨https://joshuawenner.com/https://www.instagram.com/joshuamichaelwenner/

Ep. 9 Sugar Daddy

Friday Feb 28, 2025

Friday Feb 28, 2025

He love me, he gives me all his money, my sugar daddy... Let's play with the concept shall we
Welcome to this episode where we debunk the importance of masculine providership & why it is so important to set the tone of dynamics with men.
What are your standards & non-negotiables?
How do you spot masculinity?
Are you bringing your feminine gifts to the table?
How does the Good Girl set standards so she get's valued without going into the powerstruggle telling 'a man to be the man'?
Listen to my dating stories all from not even wanting masculine providership, wondering if the men would pay on dates, fighting men to see me to being picked up at the door loving masculine providership & being able to say no to men on the spot.
If you are ready to choose yourself to be chosen...
Come play with me in THE SECRET LOVE AFFAIR a 3 day activation of your EROS
Claim your spot here: https://mailchi.mp/0a7a48578bc4/the-secret-love-affair
Come connect with me: https://linktr.ee/theroyalqueendom.com

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025

In todays episode I have my former mentor Fiona McCoss with me to travel into the depths of our untamed & unapologetic expression. She is an wild feminine embodiment facilitator & a potent activator for women reclaiming her sovereignty through her sexual & sensual self.
Fiona helped me dive deep into the shadows of my psyche to reclaim the parts of me that held potent power & pieces I had neglected of myself in my erotic dark expression.
We talk about why we fear to open Pandoras box & meet the pieces within revealing it all to ourselves but also the world. Afraid of being judged & outcasts in a society where purity was made holy.
Fiona vulnerably opening her throat about her journey from shut down to reclaiming her self-expression inviting us into the multi-dimensional being she is.
Myself sharing about my Daddy Kinks & addiction to the pain that I manifested in my outside reality in 2023 when we worked together that felt both sensitive & activating.
This is a powerful episode for the woman who are done settling for a mediocre life & to follow her wild calling breaking the chains of her Good Girl conditioning.
Can't get enough of Fionas magic?
Go visit her spaces💋
Fionas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fionamccoss/

Ep. 7 Turn Up The Volume

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

It's time to turn up the volume on YOU!Stop tip toeing around people & own yourself fully. Raise your standards & stop leaking your energy to others. Be you & let the haters be haters so the lovers can find you.Also, I was a bit on a rant today. So you know, bare with me😉Can't get enough of me?Come visit my spaces💋linktr.ee/theroyalqueendom.com

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

In todays episode I have a special guest with me for steamy girltalk. My mentor Emily Whiteside who is a mentor for women stepping into their soft feminine success & claiming a life built from their pleasure
You get the juice around how I joined Emilys world, from having spent my last money on flowers to have money the next day & still today be invested in her world even meeting her for VIP luxurious fun in Paris.
We talk about abundance, luxury, money & where we tend to go wrong around this. Especially as women.
We dive into being women posting about our journey online & how that have impacted us especially around men. How we as recovering people pleasers have transformed our standards around men & stepping into
Emily shares on the power of pleasure, the secret weapon for women to live a full life attuned to her feminine gifts, seduction & magnetism.
Money & Men - our fave subject ;)
Come join us for this elevated talk.
Can't get enough of Emily's magic?
Go visit her spaces💋
Emily's Instagram
Emily's FacebookEmily's Website

Ep. 5 Good Girl Gone Bad

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Hey Queen, it's time to let your GOOD GIRL GO BAD.
The three things the Good Girl do (that drains you & make you small or resentful) & why you do this.
Overgiving, Over-apologizing, Over-Explaining.
Letting her go BAD & claim her juicy desires. 
Getting fucked good, moaning loudly, being confident & being in your pussy magic. Being in your body to feel more, be more & have more.
ICONIC PUSSY MAGIC Masterclass: https://mailchi.mp/theroyalqueendom/fgde0cufh6

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

Come call out your BS with me & Lena Quantumshifts where ownership is made sexy again. 
Unfuck your Good Girl programming so you can make that inner shift to attract what you say you want.
Stop restricting yourself & start allowing your happiness again. Going from burn-out to nourished, from insecure to confident.
Get to know yourself & your wants more deeply. When we stop talking & start being the masculine shows up attuned to his woman.
Can’t get enough of the Lena & her sexy aussie accent?
Go visit her spaces
Lenas Website
Lenas Instagram

Ep.3 Pain & Pleasure

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025

Welcome to this soft openhearted episode where we take an honest look into why we sacrifice ourselves & how many Good Girls have a Savior Complex.
How we can either transmute pain into power or get stuck in it.
How we unconsciously attract from our victim consciousness & how we want to embrace ourselves with compassion to move through the pain into ownership.
How love & pleasure can feel hard to let fully in.
This was a vulnerable one ladies.
Masterclass ICONIC PUSSY MAGIC: https://mailchi.mp/theroyalqueendom/fgde0cufh6

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025

Get naked with me & Dr Chelsea Page yum & yes ;)Why your Miss Independent has to die to stop cockblocking your husband.
How does your masculine shield keep out your man as a fallen knight without mission?
How do you dare to let the Whore come out & play in the bedroom but still be loved as the Madonna in your marriage?
This & so much more is what I explored with the lovable AF Dr Chelsea Page - Sex Therapist & mentor for women ready to have more magic pussy juice in her life, be well fucked & well loved.
Can't get enough of Dr Chelsea Page?Go visit her spaces💋
Dr Chelsea Page WebsiteDr Chelsea Page FacebookDr Chelsea Page Instagram

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